Repair of a defective product

Before sending your product to repair service, please check the owners manual and the FAQ at to see if there is a solution to your issue with your Vifa product.

The Vifa repair service is free of charge for Vifa products covered by warranty. To determine if your product are covered by warranty, check paragraph 7 in our Terms & Conditions. Any defect is subject to the Danish Sales of Goods Act. If your product is not covered by warranty, the repair service will be a paid service, for which you will get a quote before the repair.

Please note that products purchased on the webshop will have to go through the webshop repair system. Products purchased at authorized Vifa reseller will have to go through the repair system used by authorized Vifa reseller where the product was originally purchased, unless otherwise agreed. Creating a repair ticket is very easy and only takes a few minutes. Before start please have the following ready:

After submitting your repair ticket, you will receive an email with a repair ticket confirmation from Vifa. If you have product related questions or questions about the repair process, please contact Vifa at


1. Personal Information





Post Code


Phone Number*

* In case we need to contact you regarding your order.


* This is where we’ll send your repair confirmation.

2. Product Information

The product serial number is not valid. Please reffer to you webshop invoice for the correct product serial number.

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